Take 5 Steps to Wellbeing – Now Open for Applications

Do you have an idea that could have a positive impact on your community?
Could this idea be brought to life?
If so, look no further than Take 5 steps to wellbeing, your voice, your choice – a new Participatory Budgeting initiative in Belfast. Participatory Budgeting gives residents a say in spending that affects them. It lets local people decide how public funds can make a difference. Groups can apply for up to £2,500 for a project they think will benefit the community – it’s your voice, your choice. Projects should support the Take 5 steps to wellbeing.
‘Take 5 steps to wellbeing’ – evidence suggests there are 5 steps we should all take to help improve mental health and wellbeing. These are:
– Connect
– Keep learning
– Be active
– Take notice
– Give
For more information on the application process and information sessions which are being held throughout the city, please visit https://yoursay.belfastcity.gov.uk/take-5
The closing date for applications is Friday, 10 January 2025 at 4.00 pm.