Community Engagement

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Community Places – Guide to Engagement Methods (2024)

This guide signposts and provides details on the types of methods which may be most appropriate for achieving different levels of engagement.
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Engagement Tools in Response to COVID-19 (Community Places 2020)

During this unprecedented time changes have had to be made to how we engage with communities.
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Community and Voluntary Sector Representation in Community Planning Structures

The Carnegie UK Trust’s Embedding Wellbeing in Northern Ireland project provides support to enable Community Planning Partnerships to implement a local wellbeing outcomes approach.
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Planning and Designing Effective Engagement – A How To Guide (Nov-19)

This guide has been prepared by Community Places to accompany the ABC Community Planning Partnership’s ‘Our Community Engagement Strategy’ which outlines two important frameworks which the partnership has committed to using in the planning of its engagement processes.
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Armagh Banbridge Craigavon Community Engagement Strategy (Jun-19)

Community planning is about improving the quality of life of people who live and work in our Borough.
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Re-Thinking Engagement Project Report

Rethinking Engagement developed out of a first phase project, Rethinking Nimbyism, which looked at the issue of community engagement and the siting of large-scale renewable energy technology (RET) in rural areas which has become a divisive issue in some communities.
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Re-thinking NIMBYism

The number of renewable energy developments in rural areas has grown significantly in the past decade and the siting of large scale renewable energy projects has become a divisive issue in some communities.
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Re-thinking NIMBYism – Executive Summary

The NI Executive has set a target to achieve 40% of electricity generation from renewable sources by 2020.
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Derry City and Strabane Community Engagement Strategy (Aug-20)

At the heart of this vision is a continued commitment to early, inclusive and meaningful engagement. That is, engagement which is planned, purposeful, which reaches out to all our citizens and delivers real impacts that make a positive difference to people’s lives.
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