PB in Paris

In recent years, various global and capital cities including Madrid, Seoul, Delhi, Taipei, Bogota, New York and Paris, have either started significant PB processes or expanded along more radical lines [see file 1]. Paris is a latecomer but already shines as a rising star in a bright PB sky. It is worth unpacking the experience from various angles, primarily because of the argument at the core of this book, that PB is conducive to radical alternatives, such as urban agriculture, arts and culture, avoiding evictions and providing decent housing. At the same time, PB can appear as a bridge, or glue, between these various alternatives, and help them to shift from isolated innovations into much more powerful systems that address critical dimensions of our urban day-to day life. Each PB experience explored in this book presents cutting edge elements and are innovative in their own rights, however Paris remains remarkable in terms of both budgetary issues and participation when compared with its sisters.

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